The Sign For Change Project

The Sign for Change project is a 30-month innovative project as it introduces in Europe the first Educational package for empowering deaf students from a young age to become future changemakers. It presents the first European attempt to modernize education for deaf children by focusing on their socio-emotional development and on the cultivation of 21st century competences. The ground-breaking nature of the project is related to its foundational education philosophy, the Social Innovation Education (SIE).

The mission

The main mission of ‘Sign for Change’ is to enhance the extroversion of Deaf children and boost their self-confidence with the ultimate aim of encouraging them to develop personal skills and competences that will help them integrate as equal, active and productive members of the society.

Main aim

Τhe project aims to have a meaningful impact not only ondeaf students, teachers and professionals working with the deaf, but also on institutions of sign language, deaf communities and families of deaf children.


All the results will be totally open and free accessible to the public. The ‘Sign for Change’ project brings together 6 partners from 5 different countries: Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Spain with complementary skills and with necessary background to achieve the goals of the project.

What is Social Innovation Education?

Social innovation Education (SIE) is an innovative educational model that has been implemented, tested and validated by several mainstream primary and secondary schools around Europe during 2018-2020, as part of the Horizon 2020 NEMESIS project.

At the core of SIE lays the process of co-creation which implies a collaborative problem-solving process between intergenerational groups that come together to co-create solutions and drive positive change.

It is envisioned that the project’s results will bring a positive impactupon students’ willingness and competences to actively participate in society while strengthening their skills and competences.

Our aims

  1. Develop an innovative educational model through Social Innovation Education (SIE) that will allow teachers to adopt a new approach in teaching and learning for deaf students
  2. Provide role-models to deaf children by connecting them with the Deaf Community and particularly with deaf entrepreneurs, artists and scientists
  3. Highlight and promote sign language as a tool for inclusive, innovative education. – Train teachers and enable them to apply the innovative Results of the programme to develop deaf children’s change making competences
  4. Bring deaf students from different countries together to connect and foster their self-confidence as they will view themselves as members of the broader Deaf community